Why do most websites fail online?
There are many reasons, ranging from bad ideas in the first place to lack of budget, or just simply the industry being too competitive. However, the biggest problem affecting websites today is people being too busy to act, or having to cut through too much red tape before they get anywhere.
As Robbie Williams sang ‘I’m contemplating thinking about thinking, it’s overrated just get another drink in’.
That’s why so many websites fail to succeed online. Rather than plan to look for some SEO for your website, or arrange a meeting to discuss the future of your website, act now. It’s true that your website isn’t going anywhere, but that doesn’t mean you can sit back and contemplate its future forever. While your website may not be going anywhere, your competitors’ websites are… they’re going forward, leaving yours behind. Every day that you delay means you have further ground to make up, and this ground will cost you in terms of time and money.
Even website owners who have engaged search engine optimisation services often fall down because of the number of people within each organisation that have to have their say on every change. The Internet is immediate. Everything happens right now, and events of a few seconds ago are being reported online. The Internet doesn’t wait for print runs of newspapers, or schedules of news bulletins, it responds instantly to any news. So should your website.
The SEO industry moves even faster, with Google’s algorithm receiving constant tweaks and updates throughout the day. One change could affect your rankings and, unless acted upon instantly, could cost you sales. When things like this happen there is no time to discuss them in a committee (as Han Solo told Princess Leia in Empire Strikes Back). You need one person to act as a point of contact and make a decision.
He who hesitates is lost, and he who hesitates online is, er, loster.